How to organise your whole house
Here’s a snippet out of a downloadable product I am working on. I want to share some tips so that you can learn how to organise your whole house to be functional and easily useable.
So often I rearrange client’s items into different parts of the home, as things get desperately shoved one day, then stay there forever.
Or, you are so busy in the day to day, that you don’t consider the changing seasons of life from party- throwing couple to parents; suddenly the baby bottles are pressing up hard against the whiskey glass set! I promise: the bar glasses may have their heyday once more… but lets make a little space by moving them out of the prime cupboard space just for now.
Having items live in the appropriate space for their frequency of use will help you to manage your home- it will be easier to find and put items away.
Read on for an excerpt from “How to organise your whole house”.
“Once you have accurately categorised your items, you need to consider what zones they live in. This relates to how frequently you need to access an item, and consider how easy it is to put away.
Zone 1: ‘Prime real estate’. Daily or frequent use
Zone 2: Occasional use- monthly
Zone 3: Infrequent use and archive.
Zone 1: Your most easily accessed spaces. Daily or weekly use items. You can grab and go quickly- you have muscle memory of how to access that item. If you can do it (almost) with your eyes closed, then that's zone one. It takes you one ‘step’ to access an item, like opening a door or drawer.
Example: Daily use mugs and glasses, plates and other crockery.
Tip: In vertical storage; prime real estate is from your shoulders to your waist.
Zone 2: Maybe you need to stretch or bend down, move an item aside or open a box. For instance- the top or bottom of cupboards, or back of the cabinet behind another item.
Example: Kids hand me down clothes- they might sit at the top or bottom of the wardrobe- you want to access them seasonally to rotate sizes, but you don't want to be pushing past them every day.
Zone 3: Attic space, garage, higher up cupboards well above head height that you have to make an effort to get to. You don’t want to have to do that too frequently.
Example: A beach umbrella or a Christmas tree. Archive papers and sentimental items. Things you use occasionally/rarely.
I hope you have found this useful! If you would like to grab a copy of the download once it is released, make sure you are on my mailing list, or following me on my socials.
All the best,